Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Over the top conceited people

Usually I don't have a problem with a little arrogance. After all, everyone has at one point in their life felt strongly about their appearance. I mean, one day in your life, you've probably said: "Wow I look sooo pretty"/"Wow, I look hot" (for the dudes.)

If you say you haven't you're a liar. Even in your head it counts.

So we're all pretty guilty of loving ourselves, right? Nothing wrong with that, huh? But what really irks me, is that attractive people (or even not so attractive...) sit there and talk about how so hot they are, everyday, all day. Not pointing fingers here, but that's what I've come across.

No I am not JEALOUS. Lol. I just get this pissy feeling when someone who is OBVIOUSLY pretty or ugly spend their times on the internet bluntly making conceited comments on themselves for NO REASON. It's like wtf?

Say someone says "You're so pretty! odfggfdgd" and you're like, "Thanks." There's is NOTHING wrong with that. Nothing at all.

But if someone goes, "You're so awesome!" And you reply with, "Oh thank you, I'm also pretty hehe." And replying with the "I'm so HOT I'm gonna  die" comments with every waking compliment is just so irrelevant and unnecessary it's like...

But it's not just the self-centered comments that get me mad. It's also the pathetic people who can't take a compliment! (Or are just attention whores)

If a person makes way to compliment you, (which is hard for the people of human nature usually because we strive to be BETTER than others) than wouldn't you say thank you? Instead sappy people would say:

Nice person: You look cute today.

Pathetic human being: Oh thanks, hehe, no I don't.

So since you can't get the attention you want just taking a damn compliment you gotta pretend you have a low self esteem or whatever, knowing that you're attractive.

Okay. Wow.

So the usually non attractive people are in denial while the attractive people who KNOW they are attractive pretend like their self esteem is down the ground  for attention. Quit fishing you whiny idiots!!

Not that I have anything against non attractive people for having great self esteem or anything, it's just how they repeat themselves. By all means tweet how hot and awesome you are, but don't sound like a broken record and post the shit everyday. Because frankly, we know you're hot, and that's been established - so let the compliments come to you, not chasing after them! 

And, if you're not hot, then thumbs up for having a good self esteem, thumbs down for repeating yourself. It's irrelevant.

As for the losers who think it's okay to pretend to have a low self esteem for attention, get a hobby.

Because I will not pity you, and the people who do are idiots. Kthx.

I just needed to air that out. Like seriously.

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